Learning on both sides of the brain: 11 Best Websites


There is a wealth of information on the Web. Almost everything is online. If you want to learn graphic design or photography, there’s a tutorial for it. Trying to learn how to cook? Loads of recipes and cooking tips are offered by several bloggers and website owners. You can even earn a degree online, and from an accredited online school.

The traditional way of learning is through an educational institution like a university or college. You spend thousands of dollars on tuition fees, and other expenses related to education. A set schedule needs to be followed. It’s not flexible as you do need to adhere to the school’s strict guidelines. It’s expensive, come to think of it. But do you really need to go back to school or enroll in a traditional workshop setting to up your skills and learn something new?

eLearning has changed the way people learn. Although going to school is still encouraged by many, you can’t help but appreciate all the good things the Internet offers. If you know where to look, mastering a skill only entails time and dedication. No, you don’t need to go through a huge student debt just to improve yourself. There are passionate people committed to helping other people learn. Some offer it for free, and some offer it with a small fee. Yet they have the same goal: To share their knowledge to the world.

Online learning also has many advantages and benefits. It’s cost-effective and flexible. You don’t need to spend your entire savings on a college education, or enroll in expensive workshops. For example, certified business administration and management online degrees are already available at a much lower cost. It’s also convenient as you can learn on your own pace. You can definitely improve your skill at night while working during the day.

Take advantage of the Internet and teach yourself new skills. If you just want to know how to make the best Alfredo sauce, or create the most beautiful dress, there’s always a website for that. Start with these few websites that will improve both the creative and analytical sides of your brain.


DIY websites are a savior to many. They’re easily accessible and mostly easy to follow. FabHow is a DIY website full of practical and useful articles that you can use every day. Do you want to know how to store potatoes at home, or make homemade facial masks? Head on to the website and read their step by step guides. They also have self improvement articles like knowing how to get more from life and controlling your emotions. They don’t really teach you these in schools, but it’s taught at FabHow!

They have a category called LifeHacks that will make your life a lot easier. One article example is “18 Clever cooking hacks to improve your skills in the kitchen.” And much, much more!

Signing up with them will let you receive recommendations through your email. These are the best DIYs you definitely should know about.

YouTube is also a very good place for DIY tutorials. Just type in what you want to learn, and you’ll be provided with hundreds of useful search results! Instructables is another DIY website that teaches you basically anything including how to create furniture. Now that’s really cool.

General Knowledge

HowStuffWorks has been online for several years. They used to be just a “How Stuff Works” website. If you want to know how something works, HSW can show you how with their engaging and compelling articles. Their writers are expert at their fields, and all the articles are well-written. Today, the website already has several channels available for the users. One example is the Animal channel where they explain about recent breakthroughs or why black cats are unlucky. It’s really informative! You can learn a lot from them. They even published a book showcasing their best articles.

HSW is perfect for anyone who wants to learn about a certain topic or subject. They have almost everything on the website.

Online Courses

Completed online courses look good on resumes. You get to enhance your skills and impress your employers. Coursera is an online school with instructors from prestigious universities like the University of Michigan, Stanford, and Johns Hopkins. They have over 2000 courses available for the students. Currently, they have over 25 million learners and about 149 partner universities. Classes at Coursera feature videos, projects, and quizzes. You can also reach out to other students to discuss different topics or ask for help. They offer Specialization courses to those who want to master a skill.

Taking an online course is a good alternative if you can’t go to a traditional school. You get to choose the time that you want to learn and study. And there’s no need to commute. It’s that flexible.

Udemy also offers practical online courses to students at a lower cost. They have over 50k short and long- term courses available. You will never run out of things to learn about.

Designing a website

CodeAcademy is a perfect place to learn how to code. They will teach you how to think like a computer analyst. You will learn all the prerequisites to computer programming at Code Academy. If you study and practice coding religiously, you can definitely make a career out of it. And it’s free! Start with the basics like Learning HTML or Creating a Website. Then move on to the Advanced courses.

SitePoint is another good place to learn computer programming and creating websites. Most are free, and premium courses will cost you only a few bucks. In fact, you can get all their books and courses for only $5. That’s already a bargain considering the amount of information they’re giving out.

Learning a new language

Travelers understand the importance of learning a new language. It’s always better to know a few common phrases especially if you’re in a foreign land. It helps you communicate with the locals. If you’re not a traveler, you can still learn a new language to improve your linguistic abilities. At Babbel you get to learn a foreign language directly from a native speaker. Beginner and advanced sessions are available. Real- life conversational skills are taught by them. You will also learn to speak and actually remember them because there are review sessions. Currently they offer 13 foreign languages for free!

The Art of Self Defense

While it is better not to really apply – in a real-life situation – what you have learned in a self defense class, it’s always better to be prepared for it. FunctionalSelfDefense offers self defense techniques that you can use in the real world. They also have informative articles about the different types of martial arts. If you’re up for it, give them a shot!

Learning a Music Instrument

Listening and playing music are a stress-reliever. They can release certain chemicals in the brain that causes you to be happy. JustinGuitar is a good place to start learning.  Justin will teach you to play guitar. He is one of the many individuals passionate about music. He spent about 15 years creating hundreds of free lessons for guitar enthusiasts. Go check him out!

Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence Theory identifies seven types of intelligence. They include Linguistic, Musical, Interpersonal, Spatial, Intra-personal, Bodily-kinesthetic, and Logical-mathematical.

The websites we’ve recommended will teach you to enhance each type of intelligence, and help you become smarter.  Most of these websites are free! Your only investments are time, commitment, and passion.
