Starting a company online is a relatively easy process. Like with any business, you first need to create a product that fills a need and establish a brand reputation from there. The set-up might appear relatively simple and straightforward for most entrepreneurs, but some business owners have better success at online sales than others.
Often, this is because some entrepreneurs are not effectively utilizing certain digital strategies to their benefit. Below we outline a few common mistakes business owners should avoid in order to achieve success on the web.
Using a Poor Web Hosting Server

Working with a poor web hosting company will not fly for your online business. An old or malfunctioning web server may crash frequently or run slowly. Having an operating system that is in constant need of technical support could become a costly issue for your growing business. Instead, use VPS server hosting for your online business needs. A VPS stands for “Virtual Private Server.” Let’s break it down: as the name suggests, a virtual server is a private server, which means, that it will be exclusively yours.
Having a VPS service gives you a set amount of resources that you don’t need to share with anyone. It’s kind of like having your very own private or dedicated server, but virtual. This is a much safer alternative to a shared server as well as your information and data will only be accessible to you. Without a smooth operating server, potential customers may be redirected to competitor sites when searching. And if your server doesn’t provide a web content management system, addressing the technical aspects of your website might become more difficult.
Not Using Social Media Effectively

Social media is a vital resource to help your online business grow and build brand reputation. You can’t simply have a website. In order to reach a wider audience and secure more customers, you need to actively be promoting your company’s products on social media. Make sure to identify the best platforms to use for online sales.
Generally, these would be Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. However, also be careful to not spread yourself too thin on social media. As a new business, it’s best to choose one specific social media platform to focus on and put your advertising budget into that outlet, rather than spreading out to everyone. Facebook is one of the main platforms to use for advertising and sales.
You should also take advantage of search engine optimization (SEO). You may be able to increase your growing business’s online visibility by implementing good SEO tactics. This is because—when done right—SEO is designed to boost your webpage in search engine results through specific keywords and search terms.
Not Hiring an Expert
Consider hiring a social media and SEO strategist with years of experience and knowledge to help build your online presence effectively. Having digital experts on your team will help ensure your survival in a virtual environment. Their social media expertise may help your business grow its visibility and brand awareness online and build a loyal customer base and following.
And if your business focuses on a particular specialty service or product, then consider hiring an individual with expert knowledge in that subject. For instance, if you are running a vitamin manufacturer company, then you should recruit a nutritionist or health care professional with a deep understanding of vitamins, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the dietary supplement industry as a whole. Someone with medical knowledge and experience working with supplement manufacturers in the USA can provide you with greater insight on how to market nutritional supplements and deliver the highest quality capsules and tablets to consumers.