They are working from home for two months now, will become permanent for some at Twitter.
Some employees will not be returning to their office at Twitter.
On Tuesday, the CEO of Twitter, Mr. Jack Dorsey, dropped an email to the employees of the company that they would be permitted to work from home permanently, post the situation of coronavirus gets sorted. While for some, who is required to be present in physical like the maintaining servers, will require their presence only.
“We have been very thoughtful in how Twitter has approached this from the time. Twitter was one of the first companies to move to a work-from-home model,” a Twitter spokesperson adds. “We will continue to be, and we will continue to put in the safety of our people and communities first.”
Twitter encouraged its employees to start working from home in early March. As the coronavirus began to spread across the US. Several other professional companies did the same, including Microsoft, Google, and Amazon.
Starting from the early month of March, when coronavirus had begun to spread in the US, the employees at Twitter were encouraged to work from home. Tech companies such as Amazon, Google, and Microsoft also implement the same.
That month, Twitter human resources head Jennifer Christie told BuzzFeed News the company would “never probably be the same” in the structure of its work. “People who were reticent to work remotely will find that they thrive that way,” Christie said. “Managers who didn’t think they could manage remote teams will have a different perspective. I do think we won’t go back.”

The company intended to work in a distributed way says the CEO before the situation of the coronavirus had begun. Due to the pandemic pressure, the move of the company got on a timeline basis.
Dorsey adds, in this email, it is highly doubtful for twitter to open its office before the month of September. With the exception of a few, the travel for business would be canceled til by that time. The company will also scrap all in-person events for the remaining year, and assess again for the plan in 2021 lately by the year-end. In the end, Twitter upped its payment for work from the home provision of $1,000 for all employees.