Wide Angle Lens : Tips for Amateur Photographers

Wide-angle lens.. .. lucrative for all of us is just like an amateur photographers get hands on first DSLR camera, they usually start with the kit lens that comes with it. As they learn more about working and using camera that starter lens, they find themselves wanting more than what the kit lens provides, and […]
Smartphone Brands and their Best-Selling Models in India

Smartphone has become a necessity for all. And, over the years, India has become one of the fastest-growing smartphone markets in the world. As the world’s second-largest smartphone market, it is continuously attracting global mobile brands seeking to expand their market extensively. Brands Xiaomi, Realme, Vivo, and OPPO have 73% of India’s market in terms […]
Drones : An Amazing Transformation in Healthcare

Drone being used for commercial purposes has gotten faster as Amazon has announced that it wants to use drones to deliver to customers. This is a very transformational idea with many consequences. The future use of drones in healthcare is very thought-provoking. Industrial use of technology to improve safety and care for delivery purposes is […]
Noise canceling headphones available in India

Noise-canceling headphones, are headphones that reduce unwanted ambient sounds using active noise control. … Noise cancellation makes a user listening possible to audio content that too without raising the volume at higher levels. It can help a passenger sleep in a noisy vehicle like an airliner.These are the best noise-canceling cans in the country. Here are so many applications for the noise-canceling headphones […]