Employee Scheduling Software: Restaurant Kitchens’ Secret Ingredient

Employee Scheduling

The tech explosion of the last few years has upended certain industries and created new ones out of thin air. Rather quietly, restaurants have benefited from new tech in a major way that diners may not have noticed.

If you look closely behind the scenes in restaurants across North America, you’ll find new technology like employee scheduling software making sure that things run smoothly, so the kitchen can focus on its primary task — preparing mouth-watering food.

Let’s take a closer look at how it works.

Responsive Schedules, Quickly

One thing that adds chaos to a restaurant kitchen is sorting out so many moving pieces into a work schedule that satisfies everybody’s needs. The work hours can be long, and employees have obligations outside of work they need to meet.

Employee scheduling software understands and addresses what makes restaurant workers happy by giving them the best of both worlds: they can easily let the software know when they can and can’t work and the app automates the rest. The resulting schedule reflects everybody’s needs and it’s created as quickly and as painlessly as possible.

Employees can simply relay their availability to their manager remotely via the app, which the manager can respond to remotely too. Altogether, employee scheduling software reduces the time it takes to create a schedule by as much as 80%, which leads to a direct savings in labor costs of 1-3%. Easing schedule creation helps cooks focus on what matters, but it doesn’t hurt that the software also boosts the budget so the restaurant stays in business.

Labor Compliance

Cooks work long and hard hours, and like all employees they need occasional breaks to refuel and maybe even have a bite to eat themselves. Employee scheduling software helps restaurant staff ensure they get the time off they deserve and are legally entitled to.

There are proactive tools built into the software which makes the restaurant give all their employees the breaks they need pre-emptively, and prevents them from incurring fees related to labor compliance failures. Restaurants have enough financial adversity to overcome as it is; help yours avoid fines and keep your cooks recharged on the regular with employee scheduling software that helps you comply with labor laws.

Keep In Touch Effectively

Modern communication technology has changed the world, and employee scheduling software’s methods of keeping staff connected are not just powerful and impressive, but smart and effective. If a manager needs to inform the cooks about a new lunch special, they can send a quick one-way message nobody is allowed to respond to prevent it from devolving into a long time-consuming thread.

Chat groups can be configured as needed, so two-way dialogue can take place only between whoever needs to be in the know. Time will never be wasted unnecessarily, but everyone remains totally connected. 

Restaurants face tough challenges and stiff competition, and technological tools like employee scheduling software that keep the cooks and chefs recharged, focused and connected are essential to the kitchen. And what’s good for the kitchen is good for the entire restaurant.
