Best Big Bongs

Whether you want to get blazed as quickly as possible or just make a statement when smoking with friends, a giant bong is a ton of fun to use. Just like your typical water bong, huge bongs come in all kinds of shapes and styles with different percolator setups for some sweet bubbling visuals. This […]
Online Slots – The Fastest Growing Industry?

The online slots industry seems to be growing impressively quickly and this has all been thanks to the internet. This has helped the online casinos to develop and display new slots games online in so many different ways so that thousands of different players are able to participate every day – click to join. But […]
How to Start a Successful Email Marketing Campaign in 6 Steps

Marketing emails remain a tried, true, and effective way to reach a targeted audience. It has a high return on investment and is open to businesses large and small. The hard part is getting your potential customers to share their email address. However, creating successful campaigns that get even 25% of your email recipients to […]
How Business Owners Can Overcome Common Tech Challenges

Although technology can change the way businesses operate for the better, the introduction and development of new workplace technologies can also present a number of difficulties that business owners need to overcome. If you are struggling with the tech in your workplace, here are some of the best solutions to the most common tech challenges.
E-commerce 101: Choosing The Best Website Host

The prevalence of online shopping has increased dramatically in recent years. As technology has evolved, the ease of access to e-commerce for businesses has also improved. This evolution has created new and exciting opportunities for aspiring entrepreneurs and would-be business owners.
Hey, Boss Babes: Here’s How to Get a Leg Up In the Tech Industry

As it stands today, the tech industry is male-driven, with only a few women managing to break into and find success in the industry. Keep reading as we offer some tips to help you find your place in the industry.
How Healthcare Chatbots Improve Patient Experience

Chatbots are an important part of the service experience in several industries these days. You may have noticed how ubiquitous they’ve become recently. Bots are an important part of managing the recent COVID-19 healthcare crisis in many ways. Right now, chatbots are answering questions on many state unemployment agency websites. They also help process questions […]
Don’t Get Scammed: Online CBD Oil Shopping Guide

Buying CBD oil online is riskier than you may realize. The market is growing fast, and regulations are slow to keep up. Combine that with a general like of information among customers, and the result is a market that is ripe with scammers trying to make a quick buck at your expense. Some of them […]
Microsoft’s Mixer Migration Isn’t Going Well

There are casualties in every kind of technology war. We’ll probably see one of the major television streaming platforms disappear over the course of the next five years as the competition for subscribers grows ever more intense.
Soon Google sheets will be able to autocomplete data for you

Today Google declared several updates to Google Sheets that will make building spreadsheets and analyzing information in them somewhat simpler. The upcoming launch of Smart Fill, without a doubt, is the most intriguing feature here. You can consider it Smart Compose, the characteristic that automatically attempts to complete your sentences in Gmail, however for spreadsheets. […]